Fan Chart Print button

The Fan Chart displays ancestral or descendant generations of the current person.

Using the chart controls

My Family Tree charts share a common set of controls for navigation, pan and zoom, configuration, and printing.  Read how to use the chart controls here.

The fan chart

Fig 1. The fan chart.

Displaying relationships

Ancestors mode

In ancestors mode, ancestral generations (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on) are displayed above the current person.  The spouses and children can optionally be displayed below the current person. 

Spouses and children in the fan tree chart

Fig 2. Displaying ancestors and immediate family in the fan chart.

Descendants mode

In this mode, descendant generations (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on) are displayed around the current person.

Spouses and children in the fan tree chart

Fig 3. Displaying descendants in the fan chart.


Each person in the tree is represented using a details card.  A person's name, birth, death, and age can be shown along with an image of the person.   If a person is living, a person's birth year and age is shown e.g. 1948 ❘ 74.  If a person is deceased their birth year, death year, and age at death is shown e.g. 1926 - 2022 ❘ 96.  The format of the information can be configured in the Chart Options.

More information about each person can be displayed by hovering over a person in the chart.

More information popup

Fig 4. More information popup.


Colour modes are used to provide additional context in the tree.  Several colour modes are available.

Mode Description
Generation Colours are assigned to each generation.
Sex Colours are assigned according to a person's sex.
Citations Colours are assigned according to the number of citations associated with the person.
Stories Colours are assigned according whether the person has a story.
Relationships Colours are assigned according to the number of relationships associated with the person.
Facts Colours are assigned according to the number of facts associated with the person.
Photos Colours are assigned according to the number of photos associated with the person.
Basic information Colours are assigned according to whether the names, surname, and any dates and places of birth, marriage, and death is incomplete.

A key describing the colours may be shown in the bottom of the view.

The chart key

Fig 5. The chart key.

You can hide the information shown by using the "Show colours only" setting in the Chart Options.

Fan chart with just colours

Fig 6. The fan chart with the "Show colours only" setting enabled.


Several symbols are used in chart.  Their meanings are explained below.

 ⯈  The navigate icon is shown when additional ancestors or descendants are available but not currently displayed.  Hover over this icon to see the next ancestor or click the icon to navigate up the tree.
 ➕︎ Click the icon to add a parent, spouse, or child.
  * Birth (b.)
  ✝︎ Death (d.) / Deceased (dec.)
  ⚬︎ Engagement (eng.)
  ⚭︎ Marriage (mar.)
 ⚯︎ Partnership/relationship
  ⚮︎ Divorce (div.)

